video: silvia siravo domus talenti 2007
maria | maria |
quell‘angelo | that angel |
mi prese in sogno | took me dreaming |
da allora ho volato | been flying since |
una nuvola in grembo | a cloud in the womb |
varcando i millenni | through millennia |
vergine e madre | a virgin and mother |
in questa grotta | in this grotto |
l’annuncio avverato | true the announcement came |
in luce ha trafitto | light pierced |
travaglio del corpo | the labour the body |
al primo vagito | upon the first wailing |
ho reso il mio canto | i gave out my song |
l’anima mia | my soul |
magnifica il creatore | glorifies the creator |
translation by rodolfo longo |
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